At Mandarin International School (MIS), we believe every child is a unique child who is constantly learning to be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. We aim to deliver the best learning curriculum and offer a wide variety of activities and group sessions based on the Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) of the National Curriculum of the United Kingdom that provides a structure of learning opportunities through which we develop the different aspects of early education including the STEAM curriculum. The children within our early years (Nursery and Kindergartens) learn through a range of play-based opportunities as well as adult-led and independent and a wide range of exciting activities both indoors and outdoors on a daily basis. There are daily whole-class teaching sessions that include handwriting, phonics, mathematics, and literacy as well as weekly PE, dance, music, Thai and Mandarin.
The four principles which form the basis of EYFS:
> A Unique Child – Every child is a unique child who is constantly
learning to be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
> Positive Relationships – Children learn to be strong and indepen
dent through positive relationships.
> Enabling Environments – Children learn and develop well in en
abling environments, where their individual needs are met and
links are strong between school and home life.
> Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in
different ways. The framework covers the education and care
of all children in early years provision, including children with
their needs.
We pride ourselves on our creative curriculum which allows the children to engage in many real life opportunities within an immersive environment leaving all in MIS!
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development – involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, to form positive relationships through play and conversation and develop respect for others, to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings, to understand appropriate behavior in groups and learn to behave appropriately in different situations, and to have confidence in their own abilities by encouraging children to speak up in a group and ask for help when they need it.
Communication and Language – development involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment, to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves through the conversation and concentration skills by focusing on listening, attention, understanding, instructions and speaking to peers and adults in a variety of situations.
Physical Development – “Moving and handling” of equipment. This includes sports equipment as well as equipment used in the classroom, such as pencils and scissors. “Health and self-care”, teaching children to understand what being healthy means and being able to care for themselves for example dressing and going to the bathroom independently and to make healthy choices in relation to food.
Specific Areas
Literacy – “Reading”, laying the foundations for children’s reading through rhyme, letter sounds, stories and books. “Writing”, allowing children to make marks on paper and assign meaning to them. Looking at letter formations and learning to write their name.
Mathematics – “Number”, learning to count, recognise, understand and compare numbers and groups of objects. Begin to have an understanding of simple addition and subtraction. “Space, shape and measure”, learning about shapes and patterns and exploring with measurement, height and weight and developing mathematical language.
Understanding the world – “People and communities”, learning to solve problems, question, make decisions, experiment, predict, and plan in a variety of contexts. It helps to develop their senses and understanding of their physical world. Children talk about home and past experiences and begin to have an understanding of other cultures and learn more about people and communities in which they live and having the everyday experiences of the outdoor environment and observing animals and nature. Children will also explore the impact of information and communication technology on their everyday lives.
Expressive arts and design – “Exploring and using media and materials”; learning to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art, design and technology, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities. They are presented with the opportunities to experiment with different media, resources and a range of activities which will inspire and stimulate their creativity and motivation to move their learning forward.