Life at School

The following documents are designed to support students in their life at school.
They show a clear goal and vision for a life at school which promotes the growth of every student, provides high expectations and standards for every student, within a learning environment that is safe and supportive.

  1. Values and Expectations
  2. Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
  3. School Rules
  4. Encouraging positive behaviour
  5. Guidance on appropriate communication
  6. Rewards
  7. Being in class
  8. Completing tasks
  9. Care of property
  10. Anti-Bullying Code
  11. Worry Procedure

Life at School


The following values and expectations are communicated to and discussed with all students. 

They are on display in classrooms:



  • Show consideration to others, treating everyone with courtesy and respect.
  • Make a good impression with your personal presentation.  Dress appropriately, wear the correct school uniform and keep hair neat.
  • Respect the right of everyone to learn without disruption or derision from others.
  • Care for and respect the environment without waste.
  • Attend school prepared to learn.


MIS believes that as a student you have the right:

  • to develop to your full potential in every area of school life
  • to be treated fairly and with respect

If you are to enjoy these rights, you must accept the following responsibilities

  • We respect each other’s feelings; we are kind and do not hurt other people.
  • We respect and do not take other people’s belongings
  • We are polite and good mannered and take care.
  • We walk around school in a quiet and sensible manner.
  • We take a pride in the appearance of ourselves and of our school and take care of the school environment
  • We obey our classroom rules and take responsibility for our own behaviour.
  • We respect the teacher’s instructions and complete work when we are asked to.
  • We take care of the EYFS and Primary School children and new students in our class.
  • We willingly help teachers.
  • We adhere to the school dress code.
  • We work hard, are always punctual and always do our best.
  • We act in a way which helps you and others to gain the most you can from the school.
  • We work hard yourself and ensure you do nothing to disrupt the learning of others.
  • We ensure that you do not threaten other students or make them feel uncomfortable.
  • We uphold the good reputation of the school.
  • We are responsible for our personal property and should avoid bringing valuables or cash to school, unless specifically requested to do so, for example on an educational activity, such as a school trip.
  • We are advised to hand in watches and other valuables to Staff during games sessions.


Generally, common sense tells you right from wrong.


  1. Teachers, visitors and students should be addressed in a polite way.
  2. Allow teachers and parents to proceed first, holding the door open where appropriate.
  3. Treat other people & their belongings with the respect you would want them to show yours.

Classroom Expectations

Students must:

  1. Arrive on time with necessary books and equipment
  2. Line up quietly outside of classes (uniform check).
  3. Enter class quietly and stand behind allocated desk.
  4. Wait to be asked to sit.
  5. Work quietly and to their best throughout the lesson
  6. Follow instructions the first time given; stop, look, listen and then do as you have been told.
  7. Raise their hand to ask/answer a question (Students must not call out).
  8. Allow other students to work uninterrupted, treating others and their work with respect
  9. Pack away school and personal items when asked.
  10. Quietly stand behind their desk with the chair tucked in and wait to be dismissed.
  11. Obey the safety code (e.g in the Science Lab. / Art Studio)

Academic Work

  1. Work should be carried out to the best of a student’s ability.
  2. There should be no graffiti on books.
  3. Homework must be completed thoroughly, on time and the homework diary should be completed properly and signed by parents each week.
  4. Arrive at lessons promptly by the end of each break.
  5. Sit down without talking, with the appropriate books pens etc. at the beginning of the lesson.


  1. Smart school uniform is to be worn at all times in school, & when travelling to & from school.

Buildings & Grounds

  1. Classrooms & other school areas should be left tidy & clean at all times.
  2. Ensure all litter is placed in the bins provided.
  3. Treat the school buildings & resources with care.
  4. Classrooms are out-of-bounds during break times.


  1. No eating or drinking in classrooms.
  2. Running in the school is not allowed.
  3. Expensive and dangerous items such as computer games or matches must not be brought into school.
  4. Chewing and bubble gums are forbidden.
  5. Jewelry should not be worn (a plain stud in the ear is acceptable).
  6. Mobile phones are only allowed with the express permission of the class / subject specialist teacher

Follow all instructions given by members of staff, without argument.


MIS has a number of rules, but our Behaviour Policy is not primarily concerned with rule enforcement.  It is a means of promoting good relationships so that people can work together in an effective and considerate way.  We aim to promote good behaviour rather than merely deter anti-social behaviour.

KS1 and KS2

  • *We model expected behaviour, 
  • *We use our body language as well as our words
  • *We share circle times to promote good behaviour (stories, kindness, songs & role play)
  • *We use eye contact with children and get down to the children’s level when talking
  • At our school we assume children behave well and have high expectations of our students where behaviour is concerned.
  • We encourage good manners and respect for one another.
  • Teachers are excellent role models.
  • Students are given responsibilities from an early age to encourage independence 
  • Younger students look up to older students as role models of good behaviour 
  • There is strong positive peer pressure to behave.
  • We assume children will listen in class.
  • We deal with issues as they arise and have the flexibility to interrupt the normal timetable to do so.

*Applies to KS1 children

KS 3, KS 4 and KS 5 

  • At MIS we assume students behave well and have high expectations of our students where behaviour is concerned.
  • We encourage good manners and respect for one another.
  • Teachers are excellent role models.
  • Students are given responsibilities to encourage independence 
  • Older students provide the role model for our younger students.
  • There is strong positive peer pressure to behave.
  • We assume students will attend class wanting & ready to learn
  • We deal with issues as they arise and have the flexibility to interrupt the normal timetable to do so.


We believe that people should communicate with one another with politeness and in ways that show respect for all.


  • We should address people in a respectful way.
  • We should address people with their proper name, the name they would wish to be called.
  • We should use an appropriate tone of voice, avoid being too loud and avoid using rude or abusive language or actions.
  • We should give other people the opportunity to speak and listen to them.
  • We should not use abusive language or gestures.
  • We should not invade other’s personal space.
  • We should use polite language, for example please, thank you and excuse me.


  • People will listen to you.
  • They are more likely to respond positively to you.
  • Everyone will feel better about you and the school will be a more pleasant place.
  • You will feel better about yourself.
  • Good communication skills will help you to get, and keep friends and a job.

 What Staff Will Do To Try To Help?

  • Staff will model good communication.
  • Staff will prompt and remind you of what is appropriate in communicating with others.
  • Staff will encourage and praise good communication.
  • Staff will suggest alternative phrases to use if you are starting to have difficulties.

What Will Be The Consequences Of Not Meeting These Expectations?

  • Staff will tell you when you are getting it wrong.
  • You might be asked to leave the room or the area you are in. 
  • Communication will be monitored and recorded to support your development.
  • Your parents may be informed.
  • The Headmaster or Directors of School may be consulted and informed of your actions.




Throughout the school, good behaviour is promoted at all times. MIS believes that it is important to acknowledge and reward in a positive way those who demonstrate a high level of co-operation and good behaviour.  We endeavour to raise children’s self-esteem by using praise to encourage and acknowledge positive actions and attitudes.

Staff should seek every reasonable opportunity to praise students and, where appropriate, reward them for good behaviour and good work. The particular and individual challenges faced by children mean that staff should actively seek out examples of appropriate and socially acceptable behaviour, identify and acknowledge that behaviour and then reward it.

Care should be taken to affirm children who are “always good”. They should not feel that the occasional badly-behaved child is praised for improved behaviour whilst their own consistent efforts go unmentioned or unrewarded.

Our rewards policy supports the belief that all members of the school have the right to be treated with fairness, honestly and respect and therefore to act with such. It seeks to recognise and reward children who demonstrate this sense of responsibility.

Rewards System

The focus of our approach will be to consistently reward those students – the vast majority – for being ‘good’.  The philosophy which underpins this approach is based on the belief that by praising and rewarding acceptable behaviour, such behaviour then becomes the norm.

Staff will reward positive behaviour such as:

  • improved or consistently good work in class
  • improved behaviour or effort 
  • a single exceptional piece of work 
  • improved or consistently good homework 
  • improved or consistently good test results 
  • achieving a target 
  • acquiring a skill 
  • contribution to a lesson 
  • positive attitude 
  • helpfulness  

 We praise and reward children for good work and behaviour in a variety of ways:

  • Teachers congratulate children;
  • students can work towards a class incentive scheme
  • Staff are encouraged to send outstanding pieces of work and children with their work to the Headmaster, Head of School or other teachers.
  • Children can visit other classes to share their good work or may be chosen to share it with visitors.
  • Displaying good work around the School.
  • Children are given special helper roles throughout the school, and encouraged to take pride in their role, and are praised for this.

Roles may include:

  • Junior Prefects / Senior Prefects
  • Student Council Class Representatives
  • Student Librarians
  • Playground Buddies

Children are encouraged to share details of awards and achievements they may have attained outside of school, e.g. winning a dance competition or passing a music exam.

Positive rewards will be communicated to parents via the Student Planner.

The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of school. Children are given the opportunity to take on responsibility throughout the year. Children’s successes in all areas e.g. academic, personal, artistic, sporting etc. are always celebrated.

In KS1 and KS2 a class ‘Star of the Week’ certificate may be awarded at the Friday assembly of each week.

MIS operates a House Point System to formally acknowledge the effort and achievement of all students. It is important that all students recognise why house points are awarded and see that the system is fair.

House Points will be awarded towards individual certificates and house team competitions.

30 house points                           Bronze Award Certificate                                                           
50 house points                           Silver Award Certificate                                                                  
100 house points                         Gold Award Certificate                                                                   
250 house points                         School Award presented at the annual Prize Giving Ceremony


We believe that our students learn best in a calm, well-structured environment where the work is made interesting and is tailored to individual needs.

Expectations for Students

  • Follow Class Rules
  • Arrive to lessons on time.
  • Listen to instructions
  • Don’t interrupt others; put up your hand if you want to speak.
  • Try to do the work set, ask for help if you are stuck and accept the help you get.
  • Let other people get on with their own work.
  • Stay in the classroom unless given permission by a member of staff.


  • You will make the best use of the time available. 
  • Punctuality and reliability are good assets in a work situation; you will get a good reference.
  • The classroom will be a happier and more productive place for everyone
  • Lessons will be more fun and enjoyable, and they will seem to pass more quickly.
  • You will achieve more.
  • There will be fewer arguments in class.
  • The class will be a safer, more pleasant place for everyone.

What Staff Will Do to Try To Help?

  • Staff will be ready to start the lesson.
  • They will remind you of the positive benefits of getting it right.
  • They will praise and encourage positive behaviour and achievement.
  • They will be well prepared for the lesson, making the lesson varied and interesting.
  • They will organise the lesson and break it up to help those who find it difficult to concentrate for long periods.
  • They will be very clear and specific in what they ask you to do.
  • They will listen to you if you have any problems and try to understand and help you.
  • Staff will tell you that you are getting it wrong and try to help you get it right.
  • Staff will support and praise those who are getting it right.
  • Other staff will be asked to come and support you.

What Will Be The Consequences Of Not Meeting These Expectations?

  • You may not reach your full educational potential.
  • You will be expected to complete any work that you have missed.
  • Your parents will be told and it will become part of your record.
  • The Headmaster or Head of School may be consulted or informed of your actions.


One way in which staff try to help students to develop is to set tasks for students to learn, practice and develop their skills in all areas. We believe that it is important that students are supported in these tasks and that they work hard to complete them.


  • You should listen to instructions.
  • You should ask for, and accept, help if you are not sure what you are expected to do.
  • You should attempt the set task. If you are struggling, you should talk to staff straight away.
  • When you finish a task, let staff know. Don’t stop others working by distracting them in any way.
  • You should be ready to move onto the next task.


  • You will experience a great sense of achievement.
  • You will be able to meet the requirements of outside bodies, for example in your coursework.
  • You will do better in all areas of life.
  • Lessons will be better and will seem to pass more quickly.
  • You will receive more praise.
  • Staff will have more time to listen and to help.

What Staff Will Do to Try To Help

  • Staff will give clear instructions.
  • Staff will be ready at the start of lessons with all materials etc.
  • Staff will set tasks that are challenging/achievable and are as interesting as they can be.
  • Staff will set work that is appropriate to you.
  • Staff will put you in the best place for you to work.
  • Staff will praise you for your achievements.
  • Staff will give 1-1 support when needed.
  • Staff will listen to you and try to understand any problems or difficulties you may have.

What Will Be The Consequences Of Not Meeting These Expectations?

You will not do as well as you could and your behaviour will affect the rest of the class. Staff will tell you when you are getting it wrong and tell you what you need to do to succeed. You may be sent out of class to work in another room. You may have to make up missed work with the teacher at morning break, lunchtime or 3.30 pm.  Not working in class will be recorded and will become part of your record. It will be reported at reviews and your parents will be told. You will be reported to the Headmaster/Directors of School and will be put on a special programme to make sure that you do the work you should.


We believe that everyone has a responsibility to take care of their own and others property. Both personal and communal property should be treated with respect and care.

Expectations on Students and Young People

All personal property should be named and wherever possible kept safely in your locker when not in use.

You should think carefully before bringing valuable property into school (do you really need to bring it) and let staff know. You should not ‘borrow’ property without permission from the owner. After you have used any equipment, you should return it in good condition. If you accidentally damage or lose anything, whether yours or someone else’s, you should report it to staff. Anything you use should be used properly and treated with care and respect.

Being angry or upset is not an excuse to break or damage property.


  • The school is a more pleasant place.
  • Money is not wasted; we can spend available money to all our benefit, not on replacing or repairing broken or lost equipment.
  • There will be fewer upsets over lost property.
  • The school will be safer, no broken glass etc.
  • Looking after property is a sign that you are mature and can be trusted.

What Staff Will Do to Try To Help?

  • All Primary school students will be provided with a lockable locker for their possessions.
  • Respond to reports of lost property, record this and help you find it.
  • Make expectations clear.
  • Support you to use property properly. Advise you on how to behave and remind you of the expectations.
  • Encourage you in the proper use of equipment, praise and reward those people who get it right.

What Will Be The Consequences Of Not Taking Care Of Property?

  • You will have less equipment and resources to use.
  • Loss or damage leads to upset and disappointment.
  • There will be less money to spend on new activities etc.
  • The school will be untidy and an unpleasant place to live.
  • You may have restricted access to equipment, for example your use of computers will be controlled if you cannot be trusted to use them properly.
  • You may lose friends and the trust and respect of others.
  • Your parents may be informed and it could become part of your record.

Procedure for Managing Compensation for Damage

  • As part of our process for supporting children in the care of other people’s possessions and property, we operate a system of (partial) compensation charged against the student causing the damage.
  • The process for such compensation is as follows:
  • Behavioural incidents, which give rise to damage, are reported to the Headmaster/Directors of School who determines whether a compensation charge is appropriate and the amount to be paid.
  • Any such compensation charges should be reasonable 
  • The school administration office will write to the parents / carers of the student concerned.
  • The secretary arranges for the money to be paid into the school trust fund, from where the appropriate compensation payments can be made.
  • The incident needs to be recorded in the sanction log book.



Every person has the RIGHT to feel secure and happy at MIS.

Our School Community will not tolerate any unkind actions or remarks. 

Any unkind actions or comments will be deemed as bullying.

Every student has a RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that harassment is not tolerated.

Every student is ENTITLED to respect from others.

All staff GUARANTEE to take bullying seriously and deal with each incident appropriately and discreetly. Persistent offenders may be excluded, in extreme cases, permanently.

  • No student should suffer verbal abuse.
  • No student should suffer physical violence.
  • No student should feel victimised by another.

A ‘Telling’ School

We are a ‘telling’ School; bullying is too serious not to report.

Bullying is one aspect of behaviour which causes hurt and anxiety to students. It is an issue which causes parents concern as well as students. Bullying is knowingly committing unkind acts towards another individual.

Bullying may include:

  • Physical harm or threat of physical harm.
  • Destroying, damaging or hiding property.
  • Spreading rumours.
  • Name calling or teasing.
  • Deliberately excluding someone from an activity.


Any student/students who wilfully cause distress to other students will be accused of bullying.

Any knowledge of bullying will be reported immediately to the Headmaster and/or any member of staff.

A bullying incident form will be completed and parents will be contacted to discuss in further detail.


Maybe you see someone else being bullied, don’t let it happen, tell a member of staff.

Get support and get it sorted

For children who are being bullied – Remember bullies thrive on silence

  • If you are being bullied, tell someone, preferably a trusted adult
  • If you can, write down everything that has been said or done to hurt you.
  • Do not blame yourself – it is not your fault
  • Make friends or stay around others
  • If worried, stay near a playground supervisor or school mentor at break
  • Expensive items and large sums of money should be left at home
  • Try not to show you are upset
  • Try to ignore it at the time of the incident – stay calm – walk away to safety. 

For children who see someone being bullied

  • If you see someone being bullied or in distress ACT. Watching or doing nothing can suggest support of the bully. Tell an adult immediately
  • Try to be a friend to the person who is being bullied
  • Ask if they feel they can talk to someone. If they won’t talk to someone and you are worried about them, go to a trusted adult.
  • Never join in with a bully – physically, verbally or by isolating another child

Everyone is unique. Let’s celebrate our differences

Don’t suffer, Bullying can take many forms





Threatening / Hate Speech

Taunting / Teasing



Hitting / Punching

If you are worried, try not to be afraid; tell someone about it.
All the staff in our school are here to help you!