At MIS we provide a creative and experience rich curriculum, based on the use of Cambridge English resources, White Rose Maths, and the Cornerstones Curriculum which is a nationally recognised in the United Kingdom as an approach for delivering outstanding learning for primary-aged children.

What is White Rose Maths

At MIS our mathematics programme taught in English follows White Rose Maths, a programme of study that is influenced and inspired by researchers and practitioners across the world, and which follows a mastery approach to learning maths. A mastery approach means that children acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject, resulting in the children acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable them to move on to more advanced material.


Mastery approaches use a carefully sequenced, structured approach to introduce and reinforce mathematical vocabulary. Pupils explain the mathematics in full sentences. They should be able to say not just what the answer is, but explain how they know it’s right.
There are several advantages in using White Rose Maths, it provides:

• small steps progression through a topic in a logical way

• opportunities to go in depth with a topic – by spending a long time on a topic, you can really explore it

• examples of fluency, reasoning and problem solving

• sentence stems for some lessons to give structure

• whole school progression in maths is built in as all MIS year groups from EYFS to Year 6 follow it.

There is a termly plan for each year group from EYFS to Year 6. As part of each overview, a significant amount of time is devoted to developing key number concepts each year. This ensures that students build fluency as number sense will affect their success in other areas of mathematics. Students who are successful with numbers are much more confident mathematicians.
Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract
Within a series of lessons around an area of learning, a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach is used and children learn to build their skills through fluency activities, problem solving and reasoning. This enables our children to develop into confident, independent mathematicians.
We believe that all children, when introduced to a new concept, should have the opportunity to build competency by taking this approach.

• children should have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing

• alongside this, children should use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems

• both concrete and pictorial representations should support children’s understanding of abstract methods

In KS1, problems are almost always presented with objects (concrete manipulatives) for children to use. Children may also use manipulatives in KS2. Teachers use careful questions to draw out children’s discussions and their reasoning. The class teacher then leads children through strategies for solving the problem. Independent work provides the means for all children to develop their fluency further, before progressing to more complex related problems.
The programme enables children to become independent, reflective thinkers, whose skills can assist them not only in Maths but across the curriculum. Children have the opportunity to develop their problem solving, reasoning and fluency skills.
We believe that number underpins almost every area of mathematics. Without firm foundations in number, children are likely to struggle with other aspects of mathematics.

The website homepage is available here: https://whiterosemaths.com